Monday, June 29, 2009

Don't let Iran go back to what it was before! Not after seeing what they are doing!

Look at the pictures, the videos coming from Iran, look how they fight. Not something I would recommend if it was a ordinary situation. What's happening in Iran is urgent and serious, people are dieing over there. People die for the right this very bloody regime has given them. The right to elect their president.
The regime will destroy them all with reduced media coverage we all know the fact. All those arrested will be killed not silently but in public, that's the way they do it in Iran. First they kill some and those still alive will be killed by the charge of conspiracy with foreign government for regime change or killing people in the street. Today Iran's police say none of the forces in charge of securing the streets are allowed to carry fire gun. They're putting the blame on a group of the protesters, those in prison.
This is how they are dealing with the protesters today. They send their own people to recount 10% of the votes to legitimize an illegitimate government In Iran. Without even considering what is it people are telling them. see the following video from gov. TV and judge by yourself
Could this regime be trusted, a regime trying to intimidate it's own people of trusting each other?
How can they even think that this will work, how can they ever believe that people will put up with this anymore. How they ever believe that we Iranians forced from our country by this regime will be silent after seeing what they are doing with our countrymen?
How can anyone in this big world imagine we let them to have any deal with Iranian government after this? It's time this world understands that Iranians are serious about their freedom! This time they'll fight till they're free.

People of Iran has gone long and need everyone's attention and support to keep on fighting. Please whoever you are Support them, they're intelligent peace loving people living in chain for 30 years. Help them if you can!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Iran's Future is in the hand of it's People -Open letter to Iran

All I have done during these last days was reading miles of written words, following hundreds of blogs on twitter and watching hours of videos, pictures you have sent for us. How can I ever describe it all for you. I just can't help to say this that all of us trapped outside the fence are nothing compared to you.
How can we thank you for opening the doors to us living outside Iran? How can I describe the sensation of the hope created by you for Iran's future?
How did you become so brave? How could this be while faced with such a brutality we are witnessing these days? I ask myself this question over and over again.
what the whole world is witnessing these days is something new, something different no one could have imagined possible.
Oh my friends, my daughters, my sons, my countrymen be so proud of yourselves, be proud of whom you have become. I have never been this proud for being an Iranian. You're doing a great job be sure of that. You're giving all of us our identity back, the identities stolen from us.
Right now while the whole world is trying to do all they can to help you to get the news out, the regime is doing it's best to shot the curtains on you. At the same time men with power have their own kind of war behind the scenes to turn the page for your future. All those men of God, they're fighting to keep the power trusted to them by the people behind the closed doors.
I wish it was different, I wish the future of this nation could be saved by some fairy figures from Persian mythology. God how I wish someone would come and save you all and make the bad guys go away. It's all my wish thinking simply because I feel so frustrated of the situation you're in, while felt so terrified of what's coming next . My fear comes from the fact that I don't seem to be able finding anything but the power of people even in our old stories. The power to choose the leaders always belonged to the people not the other way around.

What scares me most and perhaps many others is to see once again the future of this great nation be decided behind the closed doors. That would be the defeat of this nation not when they're are attacked by the regime.
They attacked hundreds or thousands of you not when there were millions of you out there. It was as history repeat itself, thirty years ago, people were attacked and killed while protests were arranged to take place in a single spot and numbered but it all stopped when the whole nation walked out of their houses into the streets and stood by each other. Unfortunately we all believe and trust the heroes vi make, the need for a hero might be a human weakness, who knows.

What is happening in Iran is not about a single man it's about a nation standing up to say "enough is enough!". Your leaders are there to serve you, they can be and should be replaced if not capable to handle responsibilities trusted to them.Beside God has never placed a man above others. "God is the greatest" is heard from your roofs every night and the whole world is listening.

Believe what you say by heart, live up to that belief and you'll be safe. if you keep that faith no one dare to harm you or your next. Don't ever fall into the temptation of sinking to their level, don't fall for temptation of letting your anger make you one them. Save your energy and intelligent to something bigger than the life you're living right now. You should not give up on that.

You the great people of Iran have amazed the whole world by your courage and intelligent these last two weeks. Please don't loose faith now, set your leaders free before it's too late, but do it together. Their deadly weapons was not pointed on you when millions of you where in the streets, right!?
Get united and stop their nightly raids, don't let them disturb or ruin your neighbor. United you should set your arrested friends, journalists and writers free. Some one has to write the history books about these glorious days you know.
Don't let the existence of the system break you into pieces or come before yours. Don't let them get away with the blood that are shed. The whole world is aware of your will and power. Believe on yourself, your rights and your power.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Where are People's Vote?

Please don't just look away, people of Iran need your attention, Join "Where is my vote" on face book, follow twitters tagged #iranelection and update yourself about how they fight. Encourage them by care, these are young and brave students knowing there is a big risk their whole future is ruined by taking the protest walks, still they walk for their rights to vote and their rights to elect their leaders.

Please support their protest and start asking Iranian authorities what they have done with People's votes. Do not let them to get away this time. People of Iran did everything according to Islamic Republic's book, still they have been cheated, rubbed and deceived.
I ask The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Guardian Council how can they allow a man who has created so much distrust in just four years be in charge of the country? How can they even consider recount part of the votes. The voice of nation is what you need to stop trusting this man.
Your man is hiding his face in the sand without realizing that the world is watching him, don't follow him in this act unless you would want to give the world a good laugh. Sending out some people to scream death to BBC, UK and USA doesn't change the facts that the president of Iran had passed a line with no return, he has lost his credibility for ever. Politically he is a dead man already no matter where he hides.

Aren't you reminded of another episode in Iran's recent history by all these? How would it ever work for a leader to be left alone without people's support? Ask yourself that before it's late.
Don't let young people be shot to death, Don't waste their life. Beleive me their dead bodies are greater danger to your existence than their walks trough the streets of Iran. To be their leader you must lead them. To lead them you must Listen, to be to listen you need to have their courage and as for the courage you need to give their votes Back!
Don't you see your president is rubbing them the first right Islamic Republic has given them "the right to elect the president!" This guy is not just rubbing people he is even rubbing The Supreme Leader and the Guardian Council as well as the whole system. How can you stand and watch and do nothing!?