Friday, March 03, 2006

Being on hold

Life has been on hold, for several years not as if things haven’t changed yes they did. Everything has been moving forward and even backward as they usually do in life. You wake up in the morning and get to work do the things you have to, every now and then you get yourself a new outfit and get rid of the old ones. You read new books and put the old one in the bookshelf. You find out that you have the books in double rows in the bookshelf and soon there is no empty space available for books you have by your side-bed table or in the living room. You sit down and realy giving it a thought, what should be done, not reading books is not an option at the same time you’re not up to get another bookshelf cause then you have to rearrange furnitures.
Suddenly you realize the main issue in your life has been on hold for several years and you wonder what the hell is wrong with you. Who cares about books anyway? could all of these be an excuse for you to avoid to deal with what really is missing in life?

Monday, February 06, 2006

My own blog

I have started a blog today, it's like a web diary, might be intressting. It will be fun that much I know. I will soon learn more about it.