Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Me inside out?

Has been a while, writing doesn't come easy these days. My life is work and family obligation, to be honest I enjoy both a lot, so I have ignored my urge for writing and I don't regret it at all.

I was certain that winter will come with more time for indoor activities, like writing, it's just that days are shorter, darker and colder, well that is how life is supposed to be if you're living in northern Europe I guess, Everything is frozen to hell.
I guess even my soul is of ice now, I don't feel anything but cold chilly feeling of emptiness. I don't even want to start with that freezing cold inside.
Here is an idea, what if I am all inside out!? one feels the cold more if empty inside right?
It's such an intimidating idea, having my inside out in front of the whole world!? No I don't think so. I am just not born for this climate that's all!
I should write about summer to keep myself warm otherwise I might not survive the winter,. Funny after 28 years of living here I'm still complaining about the cold.
One should not blame me, blame biology it failed me , plants adjust to new environments and survive but I don't isn't that sad?
Well every which way I choose today the notes get dark and sad, sorry Let's put an end to today's notes .......